
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Some Christmas caroling 4-H elfs

The Eagles 4-H group met on Friday at a local assisted
living facility to sing some Christmas carols and hand
out treat bags to the residents that lived there.
The group of kids are all homeschooled children that
range in age from 5-12, there
are 32 kids total in the group, but the picture was taken
right before we left.
My 2 divas are on the front row in the
green shirt "smiling "and in the red shirt "pouting". I
reckon the little pouting diva does not remember the
song about "Santa coming to town"
Better not pout!!! Better not cry!!
I am telling you why,
Because Santa Claus is coming to town
and you are driving your mother crazy!

Leslie (miss pouty's mommy)

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