Now he is celebrating in heaven with many loved ones that have already gone on.The link below takes you to his webpage so you can see how special he was to us.
Legacy memorial site here
I came across some websites for Internet safety and wanted to share:
there are so many sites that are dedicated to keeping kids
safe online, just do a search yourself. You can never be to
safe with your kids all over the Internet these days.
I have a teen that lives online and the 2 younger ones
want to follow also. Of course "monkey see monkey do"
since Mommy lives here in cyberspace.
Leslie~~~~aka "Monkey do mom" today
The month of January 2009 as a homeschool mission project
in conjunction with,
we collected items to fill up backpacks for the homeless
in Catawba county. Our children and mommies were
able to fill 4 backpacks to the brim with can goods/
water/tarps/socks/gloves/hats/wool blankets/
sweatpants and sweat shirts. I delivered these
backpacks on a cold and wet day to the Catawba
Mental Health partners office. It really gave me
a tiny insight to what it might be like to outside
on such a cold day and carry around a heavy
backpack that might just be the only possessions
a homeless person has to their name. I am
humbled to think that being homeless to any
of us is just a paycheck away at times. On January
28th 2009 the Mental Health Partners along with
other agencies in the county put together 4 different
stations in the county to get an accurate count of just
how many homeless people we have here. They also
offered free health screenings, information and bp
checks for these people in addition to giving them a
backpack for no cost. The estimate was 250 people
that live here in Catawba county that are homeless.
That number is expected to rise due the
unemployment rates and the economy. The kids
learned a valuable lesson about giving back and
what the word "homeless"actually means.