
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mr Nasty...go away!!!

Do you ever wonder where "flu bugs" or
"Mr Nasty comes from?? I want to know
so I can kick his butt like he has kicked our
butt the last week. First was me, I got up last Wednesday
and all of a sudden I was headed to the bathroom. I hate
to puke!! Despise it! I ended up calling in sick to work,
one thing I hardly ever do. I crawled back in the bed
with my trusty bottle of Phenergan and went into a coma.
Got up later that night feeling better. Mr B came down
with it late Thursday after the "cheetah girl's" birthday
party, I put him to bed and prayed he did not mess up
his back surgery site with all the vomiting. I thought we
had it beat until early Saturday morning, I awoke to the
lovely sound of the "lil diva"yelling "MOOOMMY" and
a loud SPLASH of yucky stuff all over her floor.
OH NO "Mr Nasty was back and had taken the littlest
chip off the Block hostage.
In a mad rush to get to a Self Defense Class that morning,
I cleaned her up and got her tucked in my bed with her
"bear-bear"and with Mr B looking at me like "you are
gonna leave me" ?
Yep buddy, she is all yours" :) He does not do well with
vomit. Luckily they slept while I was gone.
She continued to make my day with more sickness and
fun, then her sister says" I don't feel good, my tummy
feels funny".Ahhhhhhhh, Go away Mr Nasty bug!!!
Clorox in hand I cleaned the bathroom to get ready for
more fun. Why am I a nurse at home!! The cheetah
was slowed in her tracks and crawled into bed to
hibernate in her cheetah lair under the loft bed,
for 2 days of Gatorade and Motrin/Tylenol.
She brought me the thermometer at one point and says
"is 103.7 a bad number" "I am a hot potato mommy"
"Is my brain gonna fry"? "Am I gonna get a shot?"
"I think I need to go to the Er now (what am I??
chopped liver ??does she even know how long I have
been an ER nurse?) I laughed and just told her, "no
mommy is gonna take good care of you right here
at home, in our own little hospital." Even though this
mommy wanted to pull all of her hair out by this time.
(funny what kids think about illness)
We made it to Monday and off mommy went to work
in the real "nuthouse" called the ER. I think Mr Nasty
followed me out the door to work and I passed off to
some other poor sucker......Yahoo and good riddens to ya!
~~~~~~~~Leslie ~~~~~~~
aka : Chief Butt wiper and Imodium AD distributor :)
"what ever you do, don't say you are sick and then bend over
mommy will get you"


  1. LOL great story.I hate "Mr. Nasty" myself.I hope you kids are feeling better.

  2. Thank you !!, yes we are better now and hope Mr Nasty stays far away from us :)

  3. I hate the sickies. I want them to stay out! It interferes with my soap operas.

    glad that you all are doing better.


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