So today is my youngest child's birthday, she is a happy healthy 10 years old today! I am blessed to have happy healthy children, but not immune to the things out there that they could try or get involved in.
Instead of choosing to plaster my social media and blogs today with mushy birth stories, I choose to Speak up and Speak Out today! October 11th is also World Choking Game Awareness Day and for all the parents out there that have lost children to this terrible game, this is for you!
Sharing this again on this blog also, please feel free to share, copy or reblog it.
Today is a day, just like any other say yes? For some maybe for others no! If you have ever lost a child, no day is the same, you wake up with a piece of your heart ripped from you that just can't be replaced.
No parent wants another parent to ever go thru the heartache of child loss, so today we urge you to wake up and educate yourself on something that 75% of kids already know about. Your kids!
The choking game has many names, it's all over YouTube, the internet, social media and your kids schools.
A high school, kids as young as 9 are dying everyday. So join us today on Worldwide Choking Game Awareness Day 2013 and Speak Up, Speak out, speak to Your kids today!
We don't want to add another statistic to our list......
Happy birthday Sarah, she asks you to tell your kids about the dangers of the choking game!
I played it freshman year of high school. I do think it created long term damage.