"Go Duke Blue"
aka: Ms Brenda and Mr Tom
aka: Mom and Dad
aka: "Mamaw and Pawpaw"
For those of you that know my family, you know that my father is battling liver cancer and has been for several years now. My mom called this afternoon to tell me the results of the cat scan that Daddy had last week. The news was good and bad, 2 of the 3 spots on his liver had grown and they would need to do something else more aggressive to treat. The "something else" would be radiation ablation of the liver tumors, not sure what that is, but rest assured this "queen of the search engine" will find out. All that is needed now is prayers, we are firm believers in the power of prayer. I am sorta glad that his doctor offered up something else instead of just pumping him full of chemo. All in God's plan, yes I believe.
For those of you that know my family, you know that my father is battling liver cancer and has been for several years now. My mom called this afternoon to tell me the results of the cat scan that Daddy had last week. The news was good and bad, 2 of the 3 spots on his liver had grown and they would need to do something else more aggressive to treat. The "something else" would be radiation ablation of the liver tumors, not sure what that is, but rest assured this "queen of the search engine" will find out. All that is needed now is prayers, we are firm believers in the power of prayer. I am sorta glad that his doctor offered up something else instead of just pumping him full of chemo. All in God's plan, yes I believe.
Our homeschool day today was rainy,but went pretty good. I got up early and K got up with me, so he could take out the trashcans and grumble, oh well! He then disappeared back into the deep depths of our basement, he is having Xbox360 withdrawals. We had the dreaded "Red Ring of Death" this week and will have to send the Xbox 360 console back to the company for repairs. This can take up to 3 weeks----oh what will they do (as I laugh) He drug the old Xbox back down to the playroom and connected it to that TV, I knew he could not go without a controller in his hands.
S and I had to head out on the front porch to see where "the spiders go night night". She , for some reason, needed peace of mind that they were ok. We found a huge green frog hiding under one of my ferns out by the pond, I'm sure he wondered why on earth this crazy lady kept taking pictures of him. Our huge orange tomcat "Catboy" then felt the need to make the frog jump back into the pond. Now I have perfect pictures to add to our lapbook/notebooks about frogs.
L did very well on her math and then finished language with minimal help.I then let her get back on "ClubPenguin" and feed her "pets" that are in the igloo. I finally got K's "Switched on Schoolhouse" computer program loaded and up and running. He seems to like the format and daily lesson plans that are spelled out right there on the computer. I even updated the calendar with all his teen homeschool activites so he would always know what we are doing.
They actually then let me get some work done, I have a fall festival event for Encare this Saturday and spent the rest of my day and evening sorting/stickering and packing toteboxes to get ready. I have so much stuff now,I had to move everything out to our garage and organize it better. Now I just back the van up to the garage door and load up. The UPS man hates me now I think, the last shipment I had was 12 heavy boxes full of Injury Prevention literature/booklets/dvd's that I found free online. He really doesn't understand my passion, but now he backs up to the garage like I asked him.
In addition to the usual craziness of our household, our doggies:Daisy and Buttons have been playing the "humpy, hump dance " all week long. I know I need to get them fixed/spayed but I just have not had time or money for that matter. So the kids have gotten a sex ed lesson for 2 weeks in a row now. L yells to me "Mommy" they are doing it again!!!! Thank goodness they are both girls. I know our neighbors behind us think we are crazy, the dogs have been chasing each other all over the fenced in backyard area. And now our female cat is acting awful "lovey dovy" herself. I think the hormones here are driving these animals crazy, except for poor old Catboy, he was fixed yrs ago and is interested only in his "Fancy Feast". He is so fat I have to lift him up onto the washer/dryer to get to the food bowls.
And, I swear that crazy bird knows when I am on the phone now also, it only screams/shreeeks when I start talking, what's up with that. Sounds like a dang zoo here, I have to hide to call anybody.
Calgon/Haldol take me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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